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7 top books to unleash your creative potential

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posted on 4th July 2018 by Natasha moore

1. The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck

As heartwarming as the title sounds, this book really does make you think about your priorities! We get wrapped up, worrying about the smallest things, this book helps you see what really matters i.e. the meaning behind your lyrics coming across rather than aiming for the perfect recording quality or getting your art to exhibition not worrying about how many people turn up to see it. Summary: Spend less time worrying about how others will perceive you and just release your creativity already!

2. Steal Like An Artist

Dabbling around the idea of 'originality', that nothing is ever truly original. Yet the author Austin Kleon gets this message cross in such a friendly manner that you accept this without (much of) a fight! The point in case is that it's not about creating the most unique art, yet instead, being as true to yourself as you can be. Summary: highlighting the necessity of being the individual when it comes to creativity through ten top tips definitely worth sticking on the fridge door.

3. Creative Confidence

Flipping the idea of what a 'creative person' looks like on its head, this thought-provoking book, eloquently acknowledges that each one of us is infact creative. Some struggle to tap into their creativity but this by no means does not mean that they don't have the ability to be creative. The authors  Tom Kelley and David Kelley act as the saving grace to anyone who is struggling to unleash their creative potential by sharing with us the principles and strategies which they hold dear. Summary: Lawyer, Painter, Accountant or Writer - we all have creativity, yet we all don't know how to release this, well perhaps now you do.

4. Bird By Bird

As offbeat as the title, the author Anne Lamott certainly likes to dance to the beat of her own drum in this go - to guide combining writing wisdom with self-help scenarios. I don't know what's more engaging, her writing style or what she's actually writing about! Using her own words as a summary: “Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. .......... We are given a shot at dancing with, or at least clapping along with, the absurdity of life, instead of being squashed by it over and over again."

5. The Tenacity Of The Cockroach

Perhaps the best way to be creative is learn from the best. Stephen Thompson emphasises just that in his interviews with the likes of Gene Simmons and 'Weird Al' Yankovic. By reading this you will gain an insight into how some of the most creative minds think and how they built their careers in the creative world, so hopefully you can take inspiration from them and build yours too. Summary: biographical but not in the boring way!

6. The Accidental Creative

Todd Henry provides both a witty and informative short novel 'how to be brilliant at a moments notice'. We all take mental blocks and have days when we don't perform at our best, so how can we put our creativity to use in the blink of an eye? Well, perhaps Henry will have the answers? Summary: Engaging food for thought.

7. The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do

Maybe you are at a stage where you know you want to follow a creative career, but aren't exactly sure what in? Jeff Goins' insightful read directs us down a path of self-discovery. He emphasises how bravery is essential in finding the creative career you are truly meant to follow. Summary: An eye-opening and inspirational read.

I hope these books don't collect dust on your mantelpiece and at least one of them brings some solace to your life. If not, keep searching for a book that does. Once you read that sentence which gives you that 'aha' moment, then you're on the right track to releasing your true creative ability. You can do it!


Written by Natasha Moore
Instagram - @hearandseek
Website -


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