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7 Powerful quotes to remind you that you've got this

7 Powerful quotes to remind you that you've got this


To start it off we have some wise words from comic strip creator Scott Adams:

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Next, is a quote from the incredible creator of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings universe! Take it away J.R.R Tolkien.

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Quote 3

It feels like all the incredible writers really know how to pick themselves up when times are tough, the Harry Potter author, JK Rowling, is no exception.

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Quote 4

This next quote is a little mysterious, its anonymous! Still clever and reassuring words though.

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Quote 5

Now you might not be familiar with the man behind our next quote. Eric Nightingale was an American radio speaker and author who clearly had some motivational words.

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Quote 6

Critical of your own work? Same. But Henry Cartier Bresson, the famous French photographer, is right; you have to start somewhere!

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Quote 7

Finally, the iconic Walt Disney! There's no better way to let you know you can do this than via the magical man himself.

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