ERIC Fest | The Best Careers Festival For Young People
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8 essential qualities that will help you get the job

8 essential qualities that will help you get the job

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#1 Enthusiasm

First things first, the people who want to hire you want to know that you are as excited about their company as they are, particularly if it’s a small independent or start-up, as everyone there is going to have a big hard-on for the thing they created. Don’t oversell it but research where you’re applying and identify a couple of things about the company you think are really cool so you can show you want to bring something to the table.

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#2 Confidence

There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance, but I’m assuming if you’re reading this looking for advice, you’re a couple of notches below arrogance. Personally I listen to Lizzo high volume before I go into a interview so I feel *pumped*

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#3 Attention to detail

I once had an interview for a job I really wanted and I’m sure the reason I didn’t get it was because of the question “What do you expect your responsibilities will be in this role?” I completely blanked and rambled something along the lines of “whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it” and it was not very impressive or professional. If you can get specific about a role you’re going for hopefully you won’t make the same mistakes as me.

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#4 Humility

Something that drives me crazy when training new staff at my barista side-hustle is when people come in thinking they know everything about the job on their first day. Even if you’ve been in an industry for years, a new company is a new company and if you have ideas to improve something that’s great but you also need to be willing to learn the ropes. I don’t care if you worked in the best restaurant in Melbourne, you’re in my house now kimosabe.

#5 Being reasonable

This is a state of mind more than anything else, and basically it boils down to having empathy and being the kind of person some one would be comfortable resolving conflict with. It’s not about being a pushover, but about being able to listen to ideas considerately and if you disagree, being able to coherently explain why.

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#6 Punctuality

I am the worst for this but just be on time, be early, it’s not that hard.

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#7 Humour

People want to hire the kind of person they don’t mind being sat next to five days a week so show that you’re friendly and hilarious and don’t do things like an Alyssa Edwards tongue pop every ten minutes.

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#8 Being fucking rad

What’s that quality that you have that makes you fucking rad? Are you queer/POC with a perspective that deserves to be brought to the table? Are you beyond crazy passionate about the field in which you’re applying to? Have you spent years grinding away at side-hustles and other projects and have the work ethic of one of those bees that never stop until the day they die? Find your thing and own it!

 Written by Rebecca Sander | Tw: @bandasaurco | Insta: @bandasaur | Web: